Sat 24th Aug – Jim and Susie Malcolm 8pm £10 at door.
Fri 20th Sept – Club Night. MC Graham Legge. Extended sets from Guests Corralach Duo.
Sat 28th September. Dinner in honour of William Topaz McGonnagall. Hosts Barbara and Tom Dymock. 3 course meal, coffee, toast drinks, tea / coffee and loads of verse. Come prepared with a verse or two and win a prize! 6.30pm, Portsoy Scout Hall. Tickets, £18, advance booking only please.
Sat 19th October. Mike Silver. 8pm £10 at door.
Sat 16th November – All Bain, Ale Moller and Bruce Molsky – Portsoy Town Hall – Doors open 7.30pm. Tickets £20.
Sat 7th January 2020 – New Year Singaround/Session – Portsoy Bowling Club from 8 pm .
Sat 22nd February – Bothy Ballads and Burns. 3 course Meal, Dram and superb entertainment. All for only £18. guests tbc.
Sat 14th March. Tom McConvell. Doors 7.30 pm Tickets £10.