HI Everyone,
Greetings from Portsoy.
I hope this note finds you all healthy and keeping safe.
We are keeping our heads down here and following the govt guidelines to the letter.
As you may have read elsewhere, I have had to cancel the HAAL for June this year. In some ways a difficult decision, but really the only one that made any sense. I am however delighted to report , that all bar one act has confirmed that they are happy to perform next year 4/5/6 th June 2021. Martin and Eliza have still to confirm 100%, but their agents are fairly certain that they will be available. My fingers are crossed!
As we have already laid out in excess of £1k for this year in printing, advertising etc, I have provisionally organised an event for 23/24th October, A short HAAL, during which I hope to recover some of the losses, donate any excess to a Performers Hardship Fund and hopefully attract a few folk to our area, to help soften the blow to local traders, caused by this unavoidable lockdown.
So far I have secured the services of Scott Gardner, Gary West and co, who will perform the play Jock’s Jocks on Friday 23 rd October. The play is based on the book of interviews carried out over a fifty year period, by Singer Jock Duncan. Readings from the book are interspersed with songs and tunes. A great evenings entertainment.
On the Saturday we are to run the Greig Duncan Song Competition and award the Wheeler prize to The Aberdeen Music School nominated pupil. There will be a concert/ ceilidh on Saturday evening featuring Club Acts, headlined by Paul Anderson and Shona Donaldson and maybe a surprise of two. There will also be plenty of opportunity to perform .
As stated, this event is in its very early stages of development and depends very much on all being clear for gatherings, travel and general partying – which I am sure we will be ready for. More details will follow asap. In the interim. Keep safe and well and I hope to welcome you all back to Portsoy, if not in October, then in June 2021.
Regards, Bob
Chair and Organiser of Folk at The Salmon Bothy