A Matt McGinn evening – Sat 1st Sept

Saturday 1st September

Celebrating the life, stories and songs of the wonderful Matt McGinn.

Join Bob Sharp and Friends at the Salmon Bothy for what promises to be a great evenings entertainment

Saturday 1st September
Doors open at 7.30
Entry £6.00

Bard – appearing at the Bothy Sat 7th July 7.30pm


“They are going to be one of the hottest tickets this year” “The actual quality of the songwriting is exceptional, it really belies Theo’s young years” – Bruce MacGregor, Travelling Folk, BBC Radio Scotland.

“Best thing to happen to contemporary English folk song in a very long time!” – Sean Purser, senior music producer (Travelling Folk and Global Gathering), BBC Radio Scotland.

“I do like your band!” – Aidan O’Rourke, Lau and KAN

“Unpretentious and pleasing… a grower” fRoots Magazine

“Something refreshingly new and different to tease and nourish” – Allan Wilkinson, Northern Sky music magazine

The festival is over

Or was it the carnival?
Heads are greeting tired after three wonderful days and nights blessed with great weather and even greater music.
Check out our you tube channel (bothyfolk) over the next few days as we upload video of some of the performances

The Third Haal est arrivee…

Our third annual folk festival kicked off in style last night with the well established Jimmy McBeath Memorial Concert. There were many fine performances from guest artists from near to home and around Scotland. Compered wonderfully by folk stalwarts Jim Taylor and Geordie Murison we enjoyed bothy ballads, traditional songs, some fine lowland piping and some more recent tunes and songs.

The large audience was also in fine voice, and showed their ready appreciation of singers Joe Aitken (Scots Traditional Singer of the Year in 2010) and the Spiers Family. French Willie Nyffeler is a wonderful cauld wind piper, who brought us tunes from around the Celtic map to the great enjoyment of all in the hall. We closed out the concert with an extended set from singer Arthur Johnstone, fiddle and mandolin player Charlie Soane, and Guitarist Brian Miller; the finale being a gathering of all the artists from the night singing “Freedom Come All Ye”. Afterwards there was a sing-around to which all were welcome to contribute, and most definitely a grand time was had by all!

Today (Saturday) there are great opportunities to get involved and enjoy the wealth of talent we have on show in and around Portsoy. Please check out the full weekend itinerary for details, but there are workshops, performances and a singing competition during the day, culminating in the Grand Saturday Night Concert featuring Archie Fisher, The Poozies, and Duncan Wood with Cathal McConnell at the Station Hotel. Don’t miss it!

The Third Haal

The Third Haal is our third annual festival of music, storytelling, dance and more.

Held over the weekend of 25th – 27th May in the coastal village of Portsoy, this year promises to be better than ever.

Start the weekend off with an early session in the Station Hotel followed by the Jimmy McBeath memorial concert featuring Joe Aitken, the Spiers Family, French Willie Nyffler (Lowland Piper), Brian Miller, Charlie Soan, Arthur Johnstone. Compere ‐ Jim Taylor & Geordie Murison
There are events all day on Saturday topped off  by the Grand Concert featuring – Archie FisherThe Poozies and Duncan Wood with Cathal McConnell. 7:30pm – 10:30pm

The fun continues on Sunday with more activities including a singer/songwriter workshop led by Archie Fischer and a farewell concert giving club regulars a chance to show their talent.

The main concerts are held in the Station Hotel and the full and varied programme of workshops, sessions, etc are held in various venues around the town.

Weekend Ticket £35 (£30 Conc.) (Covers all events, workshops etc.) or see programme for individual event ticket prices. Some events are free.

We look forward to welcoming new friends and regulars on the last weekend in May.

For ticket reservations email    bothytickets@gmail.com    or see our contacts page for phone numbers.


Dates for your diary

Here are some dates for upcoming events

Don’t forget our festival “The Third Haal”  25th – 27th May

Sat 21st April – Blues and Coffee in Beggars Belief – 7.30 – free.
Sat 7th July – evening – The bard – english Folk Band
Sat 1st sept – evening – An evening of matt mcGinn songs and stories with Bob Sharp and Friends
Sat 6th Oct – evening – provisional –
Sat 27th Oct – evening – Steve Turner with pete and Heather heywood.
Sat 17th Nov – evening with Allan Taylor

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